Chapter 22 : Scrambled Yeggs


Weird fruit part 3, then a jokey farce about a stranger-in-a-strange-land, a costume ball, quite a bit of lying and possible incestuous jewel thieving.  All set against the background of 1940s Paris, which – now that we think about – seems like a weird time to have a ball but… well, you’ll see what happens.  This week’s genre: Romantiheist.

“Scrambled Yeggs” is from the anthology “Night Life Tales” Vol. 1, No. 19, and it’s a bit risque on the face but not very titillating inside, but obviously we’ve added a bunch of sexiness just through our husky voices.  So grab an absinthe, and curl up on your favorite divan (that’s the correct order in which you would do it, ROB) and sit back while we read you this week’s tale.

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