We occasionally write on some topics related to remote podcasting, multi-track recording and mixing for people who are in the same boat as us — trying to put on a high quality, high quantity production with the major participants in separate parts of the country.

How to Post Your WriterDuet Script on WordPress
WriterDuet is an amazing and (for many uses) FREE script writing suite. We use it to write the scripts for our audiodrama, Parasitecology, with extended scene notes for foley and ambience, that later serve as transcripts for each episode. It even allows for multiple export formats, including PDF, Rich Text Format, and HTML. Okay, it’s…

Remote Podcasting 2019 Update
If you’ve followed some of our other posts on the subject, you’ll know that we use a internet-based remote podcasting setup to make our podcasts Interrupted Tales and Parasitecology. In the couple years since we wrote the original posts, our setup hasn’t changed all that much (except, HELLO new XLR high-end mics like our EV…

The Rode Procaster Pro: A New Option for Remote Podcast Recording
The new Rode Podcaster Pro – a mixing board, sound recorder, soundboard and USB audio I/O interface all in one If you’ve read other entries in our podcasting tips, such as how to create a podcast with remote participants or how to setup a podcast soundboard , you’ll know that we need several capabilities to run our podcasts: Recording content from people…
Zencastr Audio Tips
Zencastr is a cool service that handles a lot of the grunt work of recording remote participants in a podcast. We use it for our weekly comedy podcast, Interrupted Tales, and it works very well. That said, it does have some quirks. Here are some tips and tidbits we’ve found out after using it for…

How to Setup a Podcast Soundboard
Updates for 2019 Find out some changes we’ve made to our own approach and a slick new all-in-one option.Read More The Problem “Mixing is WORK.” When we were first working on the concept for our comedy podcast, Interrupted Tales, the first thing that became clear is that we had very little extra time to devote…

How to Create a Podcast with Remote Participants
Updates for 2019 Find out some changes we’ve made to our own approach and a slick new all-in-one option.Read More Note: We’re Not Experts There are multiple ways to create and mix a podcast that features remote participants; this post explores just one way that works for us on our podcast. We’re not podcasting experts,…