E033: Summer Rewind!


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It’s gettin’ hot, folks, at least in Interrupted Tales country. And what better way to cool off than to listen back on a bunch of episodes from this winter and spring? Join Rob on a trip through the archives with clips from some of our most recent (and craziest) shows. There’s sci-fi, romance, fables, crime, and Alan’s touching story about an older man’s quinceanera. We thought that particular off our very abnormal live show, it would be good to highlight some of what we’ve done in recent months. A great introduction for new readers!


Plus we induct two new members into the IT Book Club. All it took was a 5 star review on iTunes/Apple Podcasts and, boom, they’ve ascended the ranks with all the perks privileges available to them. One is a very special review from our friends at the Rough Giraffe podcast. Please give them a listen in your pod app today, it’s a funny show about a Brit and her mum and their search to learn more about everything around them.

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