E060: The Last Stage Coachman


We have a guest! This is not a drill, people, put the plastic on your couch and set out a bowl of nuts because Shawn Ennis from the excellent Stories of Yore and Yours podcast has come to shame Rob and Alan with his ability to read and sound good-like with words and stuff! Yes, we have a guest reader and that means TWICE the interruptions! TWICE the references to 90s TV shows that may or may not have existed! And (somehow), THRICE the fun! Join us as Shawn beautifully reads the chilling “The Last Stage Coachman”, a Tale that harkens back to an earlier time when stagecoaches ruled the land and there were no trains mucking things up with their timely travel and ability to move lots and lots of things. From an 1863 issue of The Illuminated Magazine, this is one of our oldest (and oddest) tales yet.

Many thanks to Shawn for being a great sport and putting up with our foolishness. If you aren’t already a listener, please find and subscribe to Stories of Yore and Yours (and follow @SYYpodcast on Twitter). Shawn reads complete short stories uninterrupted (imagine that?!) with amazing sound quality, effects, and a voice that I’ve dubbed “the velvet drizzle”. Just soak in it, people, it always feels right.

And if you like the idea of more guests, please let us know!

A quick scheduling reminder: Our next episode will be in exactly two weeks. On the in-between weeks we are releasing our sci-fi comic audiodrama, Parasitecology. We’ll be back weekly after Parasitecology’s 14-episode run. To learn more about Parasitecology, visit our website https://ohthehumanity.com or search in any podcatcher. We’ve gotten some nice feedback and would love to hear from you after you hear from us.

If you like this podcast and want to see more episodes like this or just help us keep going, please take a moment and rate us on Apple Podcasts right over here. Every reviewer gets free stuff (Jelly the Gelatinous Cube pins, stickers, postcards with original art, and more) sent to them! See Twitter for more details.

You can follow us on on Twitter @taleinterrupted, Instagram at interruptedtales, and Facebook. DM or message us through one of those or write to podcast@interruptedtales.com. We always like to hear from listeners!

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