E071: Building Blocks


Prepare yourself for a tale that puts the “short” in “short, pretty lame, story”! Join us in the far future with “Building Blocks” from the February, 1950 issue of Fantastic Adventures. It’s got everything: Dialogue. Characters. That’s all you need, right? I feel like I’m missing something… Plot? Nah, you’re funny. Enjoy! 

There is still time to check out the first season of our comedy sci-fi fiction podcast, Parasitecology! It’s got aliens, spaceships, work happy hours, trips to the supermarket, and a fugitive alien brain parasite named Cher. It’s a whole lot of story in 14 episodes with each about 25 minutes long. Perfect for binging! To learn more about Parasitecology, visit our website https://ohthehumanity.com or search in any podcatcher. We’ve gotten some nice feedback and would love to hear from you after you hear from us.

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